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How Long Do Butt Injections Last?

Do you want to achieve your ideal silhouette but need more contoured buttocks? You're probably Googling "Sculptra butt lift near me." Connecticut Pain Solutions offers reliable butt injections so you can obtain the look you've always dreamed of. Keep reading to discover everything you should know about these butt injections, including how long you can expect the results to last.

What Is a Sculptra Butt Lift?

A Sculptra butt lift is a form of non-surgical BBL (Brazilian butt lift) that uses butt shots with a dermal filler to create customized and contoured buttocks. Sculptra is a type of dermal filler, which cosmetic plastic surgeons use to make various parts of your body more plump and obtain a more youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers help your body produce collagen, which helps it keep its shape better. Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid, a specific type of dermal filler that lasts about two years.

Sculptra Butt Lift: Before and After

Are you curious about the Sculptra butt lift before and after effects? Scheduling a butt injection with Sculptra has several benefits.

Minimally Invasive

Perhaps the best advantage of a Sculptra butt lift, especially compared to a BBL, is that it doesn't require an invasive procedure. All you'll need is an injection of the dermal filler, which likely won't even hurt because of the topical lidocaine your provider applies before the injection.

Long-Lasting Results

The injections from a Sculptra butt lift can last up to two years, though you won't notice results for up to six months, according to Healthline Media. How does that compare to a Brazilian butt lift? A BBL can last a decade and produce immediate results but requires a significantly higher investment and longer recovery time.

Some sources claim your Sculptra procedure can last up to five years, and while in rare cases your treatment may last that long, most doctors will say they can last up to two years because they don't want you to set your expectations too high.

Same-Day Appointment

Your doctor can perform a butt injection in a single appointment in their office. Depending on whether you use a topical anesthetic, the procedure takes between 15 and 90 minutes. Compare that to a Brazilian butt lift, which, including the time it takes to monitor you after the procedure, can take several hours.

Natural-Looking Results

Because a Sculptra butt lift is a non-surgical procedure that doesn't leave scars or cut into you, any results you achieve will look completely natural. You won't have to worry about people seeing scars that reveal you've had work done. When you compare this to a surgical Brazilian butt lift, you'll appreciate the lack of liposuction scars.

Improved Confidence

You can't put a price on the confidence you'll receive from a Sculptra butt injection. You deserve to feel confident in your own body, and dermal fillers can help you carry that confidence through to other areas of your life. When you know you look great, you'll likely also feel great and have the energy you need to conquer life.

From performing great in a job interview to approaching new relationships with confidence, you'll appreciate the effects a non-surgical Brazilian butt lift has on your overall well-being.

Who's a Good Candidate for Sculptra Butt Injections?

If you're Googling "Butt injections near me," you're probably wondering if you're a good candidate for a Sculptra BBL. While the procedure doesn't require any invasive techniques or dangerous chemicals, you still must have an adequate level of health to receive the treatment.

The ideal age range for the procedure is between 25 and 45, but you can receive the injections if you're older or younger and still in good health. Non-smokers respond better to the treatment and, unlike a surgical BBL, you can undergo the procedure even if you have a low percentage of body fat. You should also have reasonable expectations for the treatment, as results can take up to six months.

What Happens During a Sculptra Butt Lift?

When you schedule an appointment for a butt lift injection, what happens before, during, and after the procedure? You'll require minimal preparations and recovery, and the procedure won't take long.

Before the Procedure

If you're a smoker, your doctor will ask you to quit smoking for at least two weeks before your appointment. They'll also suggest you avoid taking medications that can thin your blood, like Ibuprofen and herbal supplements, for the same period of time. You should also avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours before your appointment.

While you might feel confident in your ability to quickly recover from the procedure or avoid complications, taking your doctor's advice decreases your chance of swelling, bleeding, and other minor complications.

During the Injection

Injecting butt fillers requires little time and stays very minimally invasive. Your provider will ask you to change into a robe and lay on your stomach. They'll clean the injection site to reduce the chance of infection.

Your doctor likely won't require you to use a local anesthetic, but if you do, the cream needs up to an hour to take effect. When you're ready for the shot, the doctor uses the needle to inject directly into the areas you've decided to target based on your goals. You may feel some pressure but shouldn't feel any pain, especially if you use lidocaine.

Depending on the number of injections you require, the treatment can take up to half an hour without waiting for the anesthetic.

After the Treatment

Recovering from butt shots usually doesn't require any downtime, and many people can resume their normal daily activities right after the appointment. You may experience minor side effects, including the following, which should resolve on their own within two weeks:

  • Bruising
  • Soreness
  • Swelling

To improve the recovery speed and help stimulate collagen, your doctor will recommend following the "rule of fives." You should massage the treatment area for five minutes, five times a day, for five minutes each. This helps evenly distribute Sculptra throughout your buttocks to achieve the consistently plump look you want.

Some people see results in as few as four months, but you may not notice a difference for up to six months as the treatment area slowly builds up collagen.

Do Customers Like Butt Injections: Sculptra Butt Lift Reviews

How do people like you, who have received the non-surgical BBL, feel about their Sculptra buttocks injections? According to online reviews across several different platforms, most people claim they're satisfied with the butt lift. Many patients love the results, but they also frequently comment on how quick and painless they found the procedure.

If you're wondering whether you'll feel the procedure is worth it, the chances are you'll think it is.

Choosing the Right Sculptra Butt Lift Provider

How can you find a provider that can make your Sculptra treatments last the full two years? Use the following criteria to ensure you find a provider that gives you the highest chance of an effective procedure that lasts for years.

Read Reviews

Many people read reviews as their first step in looking for Sculptra providers they can trust. However, you may not place much value in reviews, even though they're essential in determining what type of experience you'll have with a potential provider. However, the process doesn't have to feel overwhelming when you keep a few considerations in mind.

First, realize that just because a review may feel biased or even outright untrue, it can still present a small glimpse of truth into the provider. Next, realize that the more variety of customers that mention a positive or negative aspect, the more likely the claim reveals something true about the experience.

Finally, look at how old each review is and whether or not the provider responds to them. While rare, Sculptra providers can change for the better if they take negative reviews and work hard to change them. If you see them positively respond to reviews, especially negative ones, and their newer reviews are better than their older ones, you can feel some hope that they're working to improve.

Ask For Referrals

According to My Cleaveland Clinic, in 2020, roughly 3.5 million people received dermal fillers, and while not all of those used Scupltra or addressed how the butt looks, most clinics provide a range of services. Chances are you know someone who's received dermal fillers. No matter what type of procedure they received, your experience will likely have roughly the same results.

When you find someone you know and trust who's had a procedure with a dermal filler, ask about the good and bad parts of their experience and whether they would use the same provider. If they give a positive referral, reach out to the provider and see whether they do Sculptra butt lifts.

Consider Their Communication

While having a bad bedside manner doesn't prevent a provider from effectively sculpting and plumping your buttocks, it can make the experience less enjoyable, and you may worry if they're not being transparent about their qualifications or what expectations you should have.

During your initial consultation, ask the doctor the following questions and determine how open, friendly, and transparent they are with their answers.

  • How many Sculptra butt lifts have you done?
  • Do you have before and after pictures of your past procedures?
  • What are the side effects of the procedure and how likely are they?
  • Will the procedure hurt and do you use any local anesthetics?
  • How can I prepare for the procedure to help achieve the best results?
  • How quickly can I expect results from the procedure?
  • How long will the results last?

If the provider seems like they're trying to sell you on the procedure, for example, if they set unreasonable expectations for how quickly you'll see results or how long they'll last, find a different doctor who will stay honest with you.

Confirm Qualifications

Confirming your provider's qualifications means you'll have confidence they can provide the procedure safely without the risk of long-term complications. Check with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or the American Academy of Dermatology to see if your provider has registered with their organizations.

You should also verify they maintain board certifications and don't have any malpractice suits brought against them. Finally, ask them for before and after pictures of previous clients so you can see for yourself the difference they can create for your own treatment.

Connecticut Pain Solutions Provides Butt Injections in Connecticut

Now that you know about a Sculptra butt lift, you're ready to decide whether it can help you achieve the look and confidence you desire. If you're searching "Butt injections near me," you'll find there's only one provider that checks off every item on your list. Connecticut Pain Solutions is Connecticut's most popular source of non-surgical Brazilian butt lifts, and you'll appreciate their knowledge and friendly staff.

To book your consultation, call 203-403-3883 today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to the most common questions about butt injections.

Does a Sculptra Butt Injection Hurt?

Butt injections only create minimal pain, and you may not feel anything but slight discomfort. The doctor uses a local anesthetic, which usually requires a lidocaine cream applied about an hour before the injection.

Is Sculptra Better Than a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Sculptra is better than a Brazilian butt lift in a few ways, such as being non-invasive and requiring little or no recovery period. However, unlike a BBL, you won't notice the effects immediately.

Do Butt Injections Have Side Effects?

Butt injections have minor side effects in the minority of patients. You may experience extended bleeding, swelling at the injection site, but complications remain very rare.

How Long Do Butt Injections Last?

Sculptra butt lifts can last up to two years, according to the My Cleveland Clinic.

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Dr. Turok spent the time to discuss my condition and provided alternative ways to try to treat the condition.  He was very knowledgeable. He and his staff were very friendly.   I would highly recommend this practice. This a follow up to my previous post. Six weeks ago I had PRP treatment for hemifacial spasm and blepharospasm for the left side of my face.  I had been suffering for almost 18 months with this condition. The one treatment gave me 75% improvement with my condition.   I had a second treatment today and hope this is as good as the first. For those who have tried other treatments I highly recommend trying the PRP with Dr. Turok.
John Calatayud
I have been recovering from plantar fasciitis and ankle pain for multiple years following multiple basketball injuries and decided to try out Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy a couple of weeks ago. Plantar fasciitis takes a while to recover, so on paper, injecting platelet cells directly into the area will promote healing and speed up this lengthy recovery process so I can get back to my favorite activities as fast as possible. Sure enough, a couple of days after the PRP injection my foot started feeling better. The inflammation has drastically decreased and a lot of pain has gone away. Now, two weeks after the procedure, the foot is still feeling great! Dr. Turok recommends resting the area for 6 weeks after the procedure, so I can only project my injury getting better. Overall, my experience at Connecticut Pain Solutions has been very pleasant. The staff is very friendly and Dr. Turok himself is very knowledgeable and experienced in his practice. The procedure is very quick and painless, so I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to try out new things that might help them during their recovery!
Nikita B
I'm 101 years old and have been in chronic pain in my back and hip for years. I have tried every medication and procedure that has been recommended to me. The only treatment that has given me meaningful relief is the PRP injection provided by Dr. Turok. I am extremely thankful for the relief I am currently experiencing.
Josephine Giordano
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